March: Time Month

It’s a new month in Cultivate Club!

This month we’re examining our relationship with Time
Look for the ✔️ which notes action items to take for the New Month!

“Time and space are interrelated. To overlook either of them is to be partially blind. What we plead against is [our] unconditional surrender to space, [our] enslavement to things. We must not forget that it is not a thing that lends significance to a moment; it is the moment that lends significance to things.”

Abraham Joshua Heschel, The Sabbath


This step is critical.

✔️ Take the time to celebrate the past month and record your wins and lessons learned.

✔️ Scroll back through your photo gallery. Do you have a photo from your Solo Date? Or Self-Care Experiment? Or perhaps a photo from a moment that represents a shift you’re seeing?
(Now’s also great time to delete any random screenshots or duplicate photos to keep your photo stream managable!)


✔️ Download a fresh Monthly Planning Worksheet and start planning the month ahead with a focus on this month's theme: Time.

When considering your relationship with your Time, what do you need to clear? What do you want to cultivate?

Here are some ideas:

  • Cultivation Mantras

    • "I am comfortable with free time"

    • "Life is long but precious. I am working to more present each moment."

    • "I allow enough time to complete tasks, and I do not rush."

  • Boundary Mantras

    • "I minimize or delegate tasks that do not fulfill me."

    • "I schedule and protect time for activities that reflect my core values."

    • "I choose how and when to interact with my phone."

  • Decluttering Categories

    • Papers

    • Calendar and Regular Commitments

    • Change Notification settings on your phone, computer, etc.

  • Solo Dates

    • White Space Day. Block off an entire day, then follow every whim for that amount of time!

    • Take time to learn something completely new: Painting, Cooking, a DIY YouTube project .

    • What did you love when you were a kid? Book in time to do that. Dress up, play with legos, go ice skating and drink hot chocolate. Connect with your inner child.

  • Self-Care Experiments

    • Dedicate time every day to repeat an activity that has shown up in your “makes me feel alive” list.

    • Try time blocking. (Plan specific tasks for each hour and stay completely focused on them.)

    • Spend no more than 30 minutes on email each day. Check it at two specific times i.e. 9 AM and 3 PM, and not at any other time.


In Cultivate Club, our small groups meet every other week as a primary point of connection for our members while they are on their journey, but you can also build your own community for connection!

What does that look like for you? Perhaps a coffee date or a zoom call after the kids’ bedtime with a long-time friend. Or maybe it’s couple people in your living room once per month for “real talk, real sharing”.

Enrollment in Cultivate Club opens once per year in October.
You’re always welcome to request a Guest Pass for one of our monthly Guest Experts, viewable on our events page!

💜 Wishing you continued cultivation this Time Month.


April: Money Month


Meet Eva, Cultivate Club Community Manager