Meet Eva, Cultivate Club Community Manager

Hello! I’m Eva.

I was a Founding Member of Cultivate Club in December 2020, and I am your Community Manager!

My most memorable “failed” 30-Day Self Care Experiment was February 2021 (Body)…I learned that drinking a smoothie every day was waaaaay too much for me.

My favorite 30-Day Self Care Experiments I’ve crafted were July of 2021 (Love & Sex) where I took a selfie of myself each night and each morning, and February of 2022 (Body) where I posted a reel on Instagram every day of myself free dancing to a song that fit my mood (“Daily Dance Party”).

I live in a colorful little house in Bellevue, Nebraska as a solo parent to three young children.

In my time in Cultivate Club, I’ve rebuilt my life through and after divorce. I have discovered and cultivated a love for table top role playing games (Dungeons and Dragons!), gone waterfall bathing in Japan, and completely changed my experience of parenting.

I’m here practicing right alongside you, and I cannot wait to hear your stories from your own Cultivate Club practice. 💜


March: Time Month


February: Body Month