June: Adventure Month

It’s a new month in Cultivate Club!

This month we’re examining our relationship with Adventure
Look for the ✔️ which notes action items to take for the New Month!

“Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure.
The fearful are caught as often as the bold.”
Helen Keller


This step is critical.

✔️ Take the time to celebrate the past month and record your wins and lessons learned.

✔️ Scroll back through your photo gallery. Do you have a photo from your Solo Date? Or Self-Care Experiment? Or perhaps a photo from a moment that represents a shift you’re seeing?
(Now’s also great time to delete any random screenshots or duplicate photos to keep your photo stream manageable!)


✔️ Download a fresh Monthly Planning Worksheet and start planning the month ahead with a focus on this month's theme: Adventure.

When considering your relationship with your Adventure, what do you need to clear? What do you want to cultivate?

Here are some ideas:

  • Cultivation Mantras

    • “I go for what I want, fully and unapologetically.”

    • “I am someone who dares to live authentically.”
      (Inspired by Tara Brach)

    • “I am someone who shows up.”
      (Inspired by “Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen” from Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly)

    • “The braver I am, the luckier I get.”
      (Glennon Doyle, Untamed)

  • Boundary Mantras

    • “I will not hold onto anything that’s holding me back.” 

    • “I will not stay, not ever again - in a room or conversation or relationship or institution that requires me to abandon myself.” (Glennon Doyle, Untamed)

  • Decluttering Categories

    • Recreational Items

    • Kitchen Items 

  • Solo Dates

    • This month, plan a Face Your Fear Date. What are you most afraid of? Design a date to face the root of that specific fear.

  • Self-Care Experiments

    • Cold Therapy (WimHof)

    • No Makeup (Alicia Keys)

    • Graduated Exposure. Choose something you’re afraid of, yet drawn to, and take incremental steps to expose yourself to that activity.


❗️Living adventurously requires us to face our fears and act boldly. If you look at the world of extreme sports, you’ll notice an emphasis on safety, planning, and training. Adventurous people don’t leap blindly into dangerous situations. They respect the potential risks they’re taking and prepare accordingly. Connect with a guide, take a class, or bring a friend when you try adventurous activities.

In Cultivate Club, our small groups meet every other week as a primary point of connection for our members while they are on their journey, but you can also build your own community for connection!

What does that look like for you? Perhaps a coffee date or a zoom call after the kids’ bedtime with a long-time friend. Or maybe it’s couple people in your living room once per month for “real talk, real sharing”.

Enrollment in Cultivate Club opens once per year in October.
You’re always welcome to request a Guest Pass for one of our monthly Guest Experts, viewable on our events page!

💜 Wishing you continued cultivation this Adventure Month.


July: Love & Sex Month


May: Creativity Month